Liquidity Pools
Liquidity pools (or Diesel Pools on Hive Engine) allow an easy and often more accurate token pair price when swapping tokens between that pair. Usually, these prices follow the market, although, in some situations, the pair could be unique (no market) or have very little volume in the market. In these cases, the Diesel Pools still allow the swapping of the respective token pairs which represents a unique feature to tokens.
On the other hand, liquidity providers (who add liquidity to the pool pair), gain a percentage of the swaps volume executed by the users. In some cases, when extra rewards are added to the pool as a form of contract-based distribution, the incentive to participate in such pools might increase, allowing for better price stability of that specific pair.
The ATX token is currently listed on the following liquidity pool pairs:
ATX:SWAP.HIVE - Created to start the distribution of ATX taking into account user participation. Also used as a promotional tool and receptor of donations.
ATX:BEER - Created to enable the BEER token to have a pool pair and further incentivise the usage of pools via the Beer community.
CCD:ATX - Created to support the CryptoCompany CEO project.
Last updated